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Identifying Lawn Damage: Pests vs. Disease vs. Drought
It can be frustrating to see damage and bare patches across your lawn without knowing the cause. This post will help you find the source of your turf damage.
Understanding Stink Bugs & How To Get Rid Of Them
Stink bugs are nuisance insects that stay true to their name by emitting a foul odor when threatened. Come learn how to identify and get rid of stink bugs.
Top Lawn Mowing Tips For Early Spring
Mowing your lawn for the first few times in spring requires a delicate approach to avoid damaging your grass after winter dormancy. Read our top tips here!
Liquid vs. Granular Fertilizer For Spring Lawn Care
Think all fertilizers do the same thing? Think again! Come find out if liquid or granular fertilizer is the right choice for your lawn this spring!
Understanding Loam Soil In Utah
Loam is a naturally fertile and easy-to-work-with soil that is widely regarded as the ideal soil type for all landscaping needs. Learn all about loam here!
Understanding Clay Soil In Utah
Clay soil can be either a benefit or a burden to landscapers depending on your knowledge of how to work with it. Come learn all you need to know in this post!
What Is Mivida Soil?
Utah's unofficial state soil, Mivida, is prevalent throughout arid regions, which is why all Utah homeowners should know more about it!
Utah Fertilizing Schedule
Fertilizing lawns in Utah can be tricky, but sticking to a good fertilizing schedule will always provide the best results possible.
Why Does My Lawn Look Great In Spring But Struggle In Summer?
If you often wonder why your lawn starts to lose its vibrant and lush appearance every summer, you are not alone! Come learn the common causes of this issue.
Choosing The Right Fertilizer For Utah Soils
There are a wide variety of soils across Utah, and that means different fertilizers need to be used based on the soil found on your property.
8 Common Questions About Winter Lawn Care In Utah
Lawn maintenance does not end once winter arrives, and knowing how to maintain your lawn throughout the cold months is key to year-round health and growth.
Watering Wisely: Lawn Irrigation Tips For Utah's Climates
Utah's has several climate zones that each pose a unique challenge to lawn irrigation. Come read about the different watering needs of lawns across Utah!
8 Common Questions About Fall Lawn Care In Utah
Have you ever asked neighbors how to keep your lawn in Utah looking great through the unpredictable fall weather? Come get answers to those questions here!
8 Common Questions About Summer Lawn Care In Utah
As summer sets in, your Utah lawn faces many hazards from damaging heat. Come get the answers you need to some common questions about summer lawn care!
How To Identify & Control Rust In Your Lawn
Did you know the grass in your lawn can start to rust over time? Well... sort of. Come learn all about lawn rust and what you can do about it!
Drought-Resistant Grasses For Utah Lawns
Selecting a drought-resistant turf is especially important in Utah due to our arid, dry climate. Come learn about some of the best options!
Liquid Aeration: Why & How For Utah Lawns
Liquid aeration is an innovative and effective method of improving soil quality across Utah's diverse landscapes.
How To Fix Yellow Grass
Trying to repair yellow and discolored grass can drive homeowners crazy, but this post helps you treat the different causes of this common lawn care problem.
Pet-Friendly Lawn Care Tips For Dog Owners
Do you have a furry friend running around your lawn and yard? If so, click on this post to learn how to keep both your pets and your grass safe!
10 Common Questions About Spring Lawn Care
Spring is here, and it is time to get your lawn care routines started! Read this post for answers to some common spring lawn care questions.
How Altitude Affects Lawn Care In Utah
Lawns in Utah typically grow at higher altitudes that present unique challenges for landscapers. Understanding those challenges is key to lawn care success!
How To Identify And Treat Necrotic Ring Spot
Necrotic ring is a lawn disease that causes "rings" of dead grass to form in your lawn. Come learn more about identifying and curing this disease.
How To Identify & Treat Brown Patch Disease In Your Lawn
Brown patch is the most prevalent lawn disease across the country, but knowing how to identify and treat it in time can help save your turf!
Recommended Lawn Mowing Heights Each Season In Utah
The proper mowing height makes a huge difference in the health of a lawn, and Utah's climate requires homeowners to make adjustments throughout the seasons.
How Heavy Snowfall In Utah Affects Your Lawn
Everyone in Utah knows snow can affect road conditions, but what does it do to your lawn? Come find out what is happening to your grass after snowstorms hit!
How To Identify & Treat Leaf Spot
From leaves to grass, leaf spot will infect the plants in your yard without the proper precautions detailed in this post.
How To Identify & Treat Red Thread
Red thread is a lawn disease that will leave your grass matted and brittle. Spotting it early is the key to defeating it, so come learn how.
How To Care For Your Lawn During A Drought
Certain lawn care practices can help your grass survive harsh drought conditions. Come read about the best ways to prevent drought damage.
How To Identify & Treat Dollar Spot
Dollar spot is a common lawn disease that can make your lawn look like a patchy mess, but this blog post helps you identify and prevent dollar spot!
How To Stripe Your Lawn
Striping your lawn creates those professional- and attractive-looking patterns in your grass. Come learn how to stripe your lawn in this post!
Liquid Aeration vs. Core Aeration
If you are planning to aerate your lawn this season, this post will help you determine whether liquid or core aeration is the way to go for your turf!
How To Prepare Your Lawn For Winter
As temperatures begin to drop, certain preparations are necessary to ensure the health of your lawn through winter. This post will help guide you!
What Is Slow-Release Lawn Fertilizer?
Slow-release fertilizers provide a steady supply of nutrients to your soil for sustained lawn health. Click this post to learn how they work!
How Do Quick-Release Fertilizers Work?
Quick-release fertilizers are great for providing instant results, but how exactly do they work in your lawn? Come read all about them here!
The Impact Of Lawn Fertilization On Outdoor Activities
Fertilizers keep your lawn healthy and lush, creating a more inviting outdoor living area. Click here to learn more.
Lawn Fertilization For Drought-Resistant Landscaping
Fertilizing your lawn the right way helps improve its ability to withstand drought conditions and thrive in summer.
How Lawn Fertilization Affects Grass Growth Rates
Fertilizers are directly tied to how fast and how tall your grass grows. Come learn more about the connection in this post.
Fertilizing Your Lawn For A Better Curb Appeal
Your lawn needs proper fertilization in order to grow lush and vibrant and impress your neighbors. Click to read more about fertilizing for curb appeal!
What Is Fast-Release Lawn Fertilizer?
Fast-release fertilizers get to work immediately upon application, delivering an instant nutrient boost to your lawn. Click to learn more!
Everything You Need To Know About Grassy Weeds
Grassy weeds hide in your lawn and disguise themselves as regular turfgrass. This post helps you identify grassy weeds growing in your grass.
Everything You Need To Know About Broadleaf Weeds
Broadleaf weeds are easy to identify by their flat and wide leaves that destroy the aesthetics of your lawn. Come learn all you need to know about them!
A Homeowner's Guide To Lawn Weeds In Utah
This post covers everything Utah homeowners need to know about some of the most common lawn weeds.
What Is Snow Mold?
Snow mold is the last thing you want to see on your grass in spring. Come learn more about snow mold so you can prevent and treat this lawn disease.
What Happens To Grass During Winter?
If you live in a cold and snowy part of the country, your lawn needs its beauty rest during winter. Come learn what happens to your grass in winter weather.
The Truth About Moles
Many homeowners stress about signs of moles in their lawn, but are they really that harmful? Come find out in this post.
Step-By-Step Guide For A Perfect Lawn In Salt Lake City, Utah
Proper lawn care requires a multifaceted approach, which is why we have put together this step-by-step guide to creating a perfect Utah lawn!
Lawn Watering Guide For Utah
This guide will help you determine how much water your lawn should get throughout the changing seasons in Utah.
When To Fertilize Your Lawn In Utah
Different fertilizers should be applied at different times of the year, and grass type makes a big difference. Come learn when to fertilize your Utah lawn.
Check Your Lawn For These 8 Most Dangerous Lawn Diseases!
Fungal and bacterial infections are common in Utah lawns. Come learn how to identify the most common lawn diseases so you can keep your turf healthy.
Bugs & Grubs In Utah Lawns
Come read about the most common pests and grubs in Utah to prevent them from taking over your lawn.
How To Revive Your Lawn After Winter
Winter weather can have damaging effects on your grass, but this blog post will help you learn how to bring your lawn back to life in spring!
Boxelder Bugs In Utah
We have all seen boxelder bugs in the sunshine, but what do you do if they get inside your home? Click here to find out!
How Often Should I Mow My Lawn?
Are you mowing your lawn too much or not enough? If you are unsure, this blog post has the information you and your lawn need!
How To Prevent And Treat Weeds In Utah
This post covers the best ways to deal with weeds in your Utah lawn. Click here for more information.
10 Common Utah Weeds
Come read about the 10 most common lawn weeds in Utah so you can effectively treat and prevent them.
The Brown Recluse
The dreaded brown recluse has the most dangerous bite of all Utah spiders. This spider MUST be avoided. Learn how to identify it here.
The Yellow Sac Spider
Yellow sac spiders are among the most aggressive spiders in Utah. Click this post so you can identify and avoid this spider!
The Wolf Spider
Wolf spiders are hairy and scary looking, but they are not generally a threat to humans. Click this post to learn more.
The Hobo Spider
This spider is very common in backyards in Utah, but they should still be left alone to avoid a potentially harmful bite.
The Huntsman Spider
The huntsman spider is not as common as other spiders in Utah, but it is still important to identify and avoid this spider.
The Woodlouse Spider
Woodlouse spiders are common house spiders that look more menacing than they actually are. Come learn how to identify them.
The Camel Spider
Neither a camel nor a spider, the camel spider is a common, spider-related pest that you will not forget. Click for more info!
The Black Widow Spider
Black widows are the most feared spider in the world, which is why identifying them correctly is so important. Click here for more!
How To Identity The Most Common Utah Spiders
Click this post to learn how to spot the differences between the most common spiders you will find in Utah!
Before you water more, check for these!
Don't start watering your lawn if you find these tiny pests digging around in your lawn!
The Dangers of Lawn grubs
This post covers the main reasons you need to keep grubs out of your lawn before they do too much damage.
How to treat a lawn with dog spots
If you have a dog, this blog post will help you prevent and repair the typical damage that comes with having a furry friend in the yard.
How to recognize Bluegrass Weevil
Bluegrass weevils are easy to identify once you know what to look for. Come learn how to identify this lawn pest.
How To Set the Timer on your Sprinkler System
Modern sprinkler systems are equipped with timers to make watering your lawn effortless. Click here to learn how to set sprinkler timers!
What Sod Worm Damage Looks Like
This post goes over the easiest ways to identify a sod web worm invasion in your lawn.
How to cut water usage and keep a lush, green, and healthy lawn.
Come read about the best ways to keep your lawn lush and green while also conserving water!
How to prevent Sod Web Worm from ruining your lawn.
Sod web worms can damage your grass, but there are some common warning signs to look for before it's too late!
Expert shares tip on how to have a healthy green lawn in a drought.
Come read about out number 1 tip on how to keep your lawn green during times of drought conditions.
Local lawn expert shares how to check for grub damage
Come learn how the pros detect lawn grubs and keep your grass protected from grab damage.
Don't let your trampoline roast your lawn!
Trampolines provide endless fun in the sun, but they can also harm your grass if you are not careful. Click this post to learn more.
How to water a lawn with Sandy Soil?
Sandy soil presents unique problems when it comes to watering the lawn. Click here for more information.
Tips on how to fix powdery mildew
Powdery mildew is a lawn disease that leaves a white substance all over your grass. Click here to learn how to get rid of it!
Don't worry if you have these on your lawn
This post helps you identify grass seed heads developing in your healthy lawn.
How to seed a beautiful lawn
Follow the steps in this blog post to get the thickest grass possible when you are overseeding your lawn.
Need help with Hornets?
Hornets are a common and dangerous problem when nests appear around your property. Click here for help!
Worried your lawn might not be getting enough water?
Click here to learn a quick and easy way to determine whether your lawn is getting enough water.
What is Necrotic Ring and How Do You Deal With It?
Necrotic ring is a fungal infection that can leave distinct patches on your grass. Click here to fight back against it!
Why is your grass dying?
Many factors can lead to your grass drying out or even dying, and this post will help you prepare for such issues.
Perfect time to kill weeds is now
Taking care of your lawn's weed problem is all about timing. Come learn about the best time to kill lawn weeds!
3 Sprinkler Tips
Click this post to learn about our top 3 tips on how to get the most out of your sprinklers!
How to keep grass out of flowerbeds
Keeping your grass from creeping into your flowerbeds is a vital step in proper garden maintenance. Click this post to learn more!
How to Optimize Sprinklers and make Lawn Greener
Ensuring that your sprinkler system works properly is key to achieving lush, green grass in your lawn. Come learn how to get the most from your sprinklers.
How to fix a Leaky Sprinkler
Leaky sprinkler systems can lead to many issues that cause damage to your turf. Come learn how to fix your leaky sprinklers!
FREE and EASY way to get rid of MUSHROOMS
Click this post to learn the easiest way to get rid of mushrooms in your lawn.
Trimming Tip #74
Here are a couple of tips on string trimming to make the job easier and make your lawn look neater.
Come learn how to spot the earliest signs of a dandelion invasion to help keep your lawn protected!
Sprinkler Glues
Certain types of glues are designed to repel moisture and keep your sprinkler system intact. Click to learn more!
Types of Sprinkler Heads
Come read about the different types of sprinkler heads to decide which is best for your property.
Time to Mow
Warmer days mean it's time to get out the lawn mower to start keeping your grass at a healthy height.
Trimming Corners
Trimming and edging your lawn must be done with the proper equipment for optimal results. Come learn more in this post!
T-Zone is a great product for controlling weeds in your lawn. Come learn how to apply this weed control properly and safely.
Is it ok if it rains after you fertilize the lawn?
Worried about rainfall affecting your fertilization efforts in your lawn? This post helps put your mind at ease.
Lawn Spreaders
Spreaders are an easy-to-use tool that can make seeding or fertilizing your lawn an effortless task. Come learn all about them!
Trimming trees at the right time of year can help set them up for success. Click to learn more.
Timing is everything when it comes to lawn fertilization early in the season. Click to learn more about when to start fertilizing.
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